Out of curiosity, may I ask what your thesis topic was, and what aspect of History (you are an Historian, correct?) it explored.

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Hello again! I did a grounded theory study of how teachers implement history curriculum. Hardly splitting the atom, but it was much more accurate and would have been more useful for teachers than anything published by education academics these days.

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I can see why the Powers That Be didn't fancy such a study. I got so tired of teaching politically correct History, especially regarding anything Aboriginal. Certainly couldn't teach the truth there! One topic, The Movement of People with it's study of slavery, specifically limits slavery to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade in the 18th and 19th centuries so that the focus is on the evil whites. The topic of slavery should be about all slavery over the millennia, with all the people involved, but talking about African slavery, and Islamic slavery and ancient slavery and modern slavery would not deliver the message the curriculum is designed to teach...evil Western Imperialism.

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Yes, and when I've tried to explain how this works to people over the years they often can't get it. Orwell and Huxley laid it out so well last century, and now we see it everywhere. Mass mind control.

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RIGHT ON Doctor!

As there are more cows than bulls on the planet [if Gates doesn't get its way], I find myself calling out "cow shit", more often than "bull shit". [or is that called being sexist??].

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If the shoe fits, brother… 👍🏻

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