Thank you for this interesting perspective. If the aggressor IS the one to be defeated, it feels like the natural order holds true. I feel we are poised,waiting for the wrong move from the West,and anticipating the ready rebuff by the East. For they seem ready for anything,patiently fingering their chess pieces. Neocons are,of course, extreme psychopaths,deeply jewish in personnel and modus. Interesting times.

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Yes Stephen, I have the same sense. The West have little dry powder, while the Eurasian powers have deep reserves of resources and manpower. They also have a more mobilising narrative for their publics than the Western powers. But who knows, maybe America has secret UFO weapons? Maybe they know something we plebs don't? Time will tell.

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Or maybe it was deputy head

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I just noti ed Trump'spick to head the Pentagon owns a company researching hypersonic missiles. They are playing catch-up and losing the race!

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If you want to buy this book from a US zip code, don’t use the link provided on the page. The link takes you to Amazon.com.au, which I assume is Australian Amazon. I tried repeatedly and kept getting a “cannot deliver to this address” message. Instead, go to Amazon.com directly from your browser. That worked normally and I was able to successfully ordered the book.

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Thanks for letting people know, James. Most of my readers are out here in the colonies.

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